
Mecha Mecha Mecha...

Life is swell. Kinda. I didn't get a Wii. But, Twilight Princess is sitting in my basement. Sad, cold, and lonely. Just sitting. It makes me want to weep. Kinda.

Brickshelf Pratt (master of tanks and that kinda stuff) has made some cool basic brick-built hardsuits. Nothing special really, I just thought they were pretty cool.

And Izzo... who's mecha/animal building have been carefully documented by dunechaser, has made an insanely cool Elephant mech. It definitely resembles an elephant, and has great use of those annoying wheel-wells. The Feet are off a bit though... last I can remember Pachyderms don't have sharp claws.
Izzo also made a mini- documentation of Sugegasa's popular mecha frame (which he has ALOT of.)

A rather random bit, oldhamk has made a diorama called "homage to the southwest." I'm not sure exactly where they originated, but he has made the best mexican (cuz that's where I always see them) clay house. It's so smooth and beautiful!

Countblockula, always the tinkerer has made a neat-0 way to get those rockets you see R2 use in ep II and III (I think...?) in lego! He provides some cool little tips for it too.

Just a little mid-week update.
Musical Motivation: 16 military wives (I listened to it 2 times) by The Decemberists (on Picaresque)


Bren said...

I'm also still deprived of a nintendo. I've made habit of phoning my local wal-mart everyday when I get home from school. It will be mine.

Lukas said...

Yup, I call my Best Buy and Local Supermarked everyday... WE WILL PREVAIL!

Linus Bohman said...

That's what you get for not pre-ordering it, hehe.

(No, I do not own one. I don't even own a TV. My ex does, though ;-)