
Oh My G

I went on the iTunes music store yesterday. Specifically pressed Num 6 (shortcut keys!), played "My Way" by Limp Bizkit, and then clicked "iTunes Music Store" with the little shopping bag icon.
And right there, in "Recently added music" was something amazing. 3 albums. The Crane Wife, by The Decemberists, The Information, by Beck, and Straight out of Lynwood, by Weird Al. I almost fell out of my seat, 3 NEW ALBUMS BY AWESOME A+ ARTISTS ALL RIGHT THERE.
Now I need some money. I've decided to return DS games to Gamestop to rake up some extra cash. I also mowed my lawn today and Mom gave me $5. Yay. Half of one album. I want them soo bad.

Speaking of music, I recently found something in Last.fm. If you become a member, it acts like pandora, remembering what you like and making a personal station for you! This was my only problem with last.fm. Now I need MORE money. Fortunately, it's only $3 a month. Once again, Yay.

One little thing, before I forget, is NW Brickcon is going on right about now. Dunechaser has some awesome coverage, so stay tuned to his blog to keep up with all your lego-addict action.
Would that make an awesome kids TV show? THE LEGO-MAN. Action figure comes with utility belt fulla useful bricks, and awesome attacks such as STUDLY MIGHT. Heh, I'm bored. Stay tuned next episode as LEGO-MAN defeates the villainous MEGABLOK-MAN demon of death!

Do do doo. Time for another RLOSIDWTTA (random list of stuff I don't want to talk about)
-Izzo's Mini-robots reminiscent of his Industrial Mecha
-New entries and ONE WEEK LEFT for my Concept Car Contest!
-Jamie Neufields nifty Bikes

Heh. That's all. Maybe I'll manage more next week.