

A while a go Weird Al released a new CD, Straight Outta Lynwood, it's called. Most of his new CD's have Polkas in them. They aren't the traditional Al parodies, just him singing blips of the popular songs in.... polka. His newest, Polkarama!, has these songs in it:
  • "Let's get it started"--Black Eyed Peas
  • "Take Me Out"--Franz Ferdinand
  • "Beverly Hills"--Weezer
  • "Speed of Sound"--Coldplay (yay nick)
  • "Float On"--Modest Mouse
  • "Feel Good Inc."--Gorillaz
  • "Candy Shop"--50 Cent
  • "Drop it like it's hot"--Snoop Dogg (Thanks Brett)
  • "Gold Digger"--Kanye West

and then 3 other songs I don't know. Figure it out. Keep in mind that half the artists there I don't like... just FF, MM, some Weezer. BTW, for christmas I got the Wright flyer, the Holiday train, another train set (heh) and... that's it. Well, and some DWR Cubits, A sweet scarf, and an iTunes gift card. So I bought some new music (As well as The Arcade Fire's album "Funeral", Mr. Baron)

We'll see what I blog next. After a week-long skiing trip to Utah with some relatives.