
OMG new stuff

Yups. Just a little bit 'o joy in your monotonous days of whatever. Or something.

Now, I have an iPod shuffle, and everybody rags on me for it like "it sucks because it doesn't have a screen! How the crap do you know what you're listening to?" Duh, idiots, you're hearing it! I like it. I've never even passed more than 3/4 of the way full and I have the 512 Megabyte version. Anyway, Apple realesed a new, smaller (how is that possible?!?) 1 gig iPod shuffle. And it's like 80 bucks. Plus, now they have iPod nanos that come in green (cool, but I hate the nanos. I think they would snap in halve in my hand) pink, blue and silver, in addition to the original black and white. Plus, there's a new fugly iTunes icon. Green is sooo much better than blue omfglolroflecopter.

And uhhh...brickshelf user mizuki (I'm guessing he's Japanese) has made a really neat Samus figure. It's big, and the shoulder things are kinda awkward, but it's cool nontheless. Chunky, but pretty accurate.

Also, Lego "pope" Kevin Blocksidge has been working on a ton of wheeled things. Same colour scheme as his Traveler, Ender, and Harlequin too, so they'd look awesome in a group photo. The first is like one of Mladen's mecha, the other is like a modified Tachikoma. And then the little wheeled box, which is just whatever. Cool stuff.
Also, As Kevoh has left for College, he posted a variety of steampunk heros, called the Steam squad! Cool weaponry and all cool figs. Neat-o kevin, you rock.

Flickr user Snowleopard (Mark Neuman) is working on a really cool medium-sized mecha frame. They look un-parts-expensive, flexible, and customizable. Post more pictures/instructs! These rock!

And, a special movie recommendation, "Memories" is an anime compilation by Koji Morimoto, Tensai Okamuro, and Katsuhiro Otomo. Three short films, each with a different anime style and director. The first "episode" or mini-movie is "Magnetic rose." It's probably the most serious of the bunch, is really fun to watch as well. It's about a spaceship that investigates a distress call from an abondoned sector in space, and find out that the computer running a dead opera singers space-mansion has gone mad! In the end, everybody dies because of magnetic field interference. Heh. Really though, it's a thoughtful and intresting voyage of how people remember and how that affects them.
The second "episode" is "Stink bomb." A simple lab worker accidentally takes a prototype pill thinking it will help his fever, and it ends up mixing with cold medicine and making a foul stench coming out of his body that kills everything but him, and actually starts to interfere with electronics as well. It's funny in a way.
The third, "Cannon Fodder" is... intresting. Very strange rendered backgrounds and anime drawing sets this short apart from the others, but lacks a more entertaining storyline. It's about a dismal metropolis who's population only exists to make weapons for a distant and ongoing war. Really strange and quite hard to put into words. Go watch it.