Whoooo man. It's been a while. Busy with... wii.... and.... other things.
But this has been turning into too much of a jibber jabber blog, onto the lego, right?
Well today I have a mega-roundup of MOCs! YAY!
First off, brickshelf kerouac has built two really awesome Zaku-esque things from Gundam
Red and
Blue. They are both excellently made (though I disagree with the
wizard hats on blue) and continue his theme of small mecha that look bigger than they are. I also like the way he did the
tubing around the mecha...
Flickr User Don Solo has made a really funny bot- he started off working to make Bender from the TV show Futurama, but he ended up with this
little guy! (It still looks like bender too) We all love Roy... until he kills us.
And the ever-present Moko has been building up a storm with his "SMF" (Small mecha frame), check these out!
B-shelf nnenn, who I
blogged before, is taking the exo-force theme and revamping it, with two new mecha-
Paladin and
Blazer. Now if these were actual lego sets.... well, that'd be awesome. He used the basic exo-force frame with some armor and better shapes slapped on, I especially like the
armor on Paladin's legs. I'm just not sure if
those flaps in the back are official lego pieces...
He also made some
funny ships based off the micro-sized versions, much like Mark Stafford and his
Mantis. They aren't too great in a building sense, but they are accurate from micro-minifig scale.
And I think I'll just wrap up with a little RLOSIDWTTA
Squieu mech-
David R. schweet hardsuit-
hopeso009 funny hardsuit-
Yay cool halo mocI will hopefully be updating on a more regular basis from now on.
Musical Motivation: Nothing.